We also got liver biltong which we love the best.
Stuff about me and my sister who has now gone OTRB and then more about me. I am a standard poodle living in Cape Town. It is all about the Poodle!
We also got liver biltong which we love the best.
We wish all our four legged canine, feline and human biped friends a Merry Christmas. If Christmas is not your thing, then happy 25 December!! Eat lots of illegal food and then sleep a lot. That's what we will do after our beach walk.
Babette and Mia
My humans have been very busy and I have been sleeping over at Mia's a lot. I miss my pet humans, so I will sleep next to he as he works.
They are trying to make the hole disappear. This is now a challenge. To us Poodles.
We have been offline because my humans have been packing and then moving and then unpacking. I stayed at Mia's house for a week and then she and I were taken to inspect my new home.
She found my grass and then she made the first poo. My humans have got me a home with a garden and there is lots more space. And Mia can visit and we can run around.
Get better soon Mia. Then we can run together on the beach.
There is stuff hiding Table Mountain. It is like clouds, but it's not.
It is very hot today and so it was nice to splash in the water. But we didn't want to run too much. The water is more fun when we run.
Poor old London Beertjie. He is not the strongest of toys for two Poodles to tug and pull but today he finally lost a leg. Babette is just checking out my mom's repair work. We will pull off more limbs soon enough.
It is almost Christmas and as we live in a country with no winter snow or sleigh pulling goats, we think snow white Poodles are a decent substitute.
Babette and Mia
Honorary sleigh pulling goats
Today was parlour day and we had a dip, wash and blow dry. We look respectable now. They used some herbal conditioner that is supposed to help with scratching and keeping fleas away. We are so cuddly soft. Like Poodles.
Babette and Mia
And if I wiggle my nose and stare hard I can get humans to feed me too!
Oh my dog! The human put the flying yellow thing on the ground while he did stuff that only makes sense to humans (like cleaning) and anyway we couldn't move from this spot because maybe if we both stare hard enough it will turn into a chicken.
Mia and Babette
It was nice and hot today so when the human let us off- leash we decided to take the fleas for a dip in the ocean. We got wet. And sandy.
It was fun.
We found these strange dog tracks on the beach today and it made us go all crazy because it smelled weird and new and exciting and then we saw the strange giant dog and it had a man sitting on it and we wanted to chase them but our humans had our leashes on but later we found some if it's grassy poo and we ate some and then the humans got all crazy,
What an exciting afternoon. Oh and we played in the water and got wet and sandy. Again.
It is nice when my sister sleeps over at my place. I get to steal her huge Rogz bed and she gets to try out my couch. And I can make sure her face is washed in the morning.
It has been a week of beach play. The house is full of sand and we smell like wet sheep. Winter and nasty operations are a thing of the past. Now we can play-play like it's 2099.
My cleanly laundered blankets are the best! I will put them in my mouth and claim them even as he takes a photo and so I shall wag my tail fast because I like him too but not as much as my blankets.
Summer is almost here and there is nothing better than a dip in the ocean followed by a sand-blasted coating from the south-easter. This is our first proper run and play since my operation 2 weeks ago. What fun we had too!
Today my human took me to have my stitches removed from my back and my tummy. But the nice lady vet only had to take out one stitch because I took the rest out myself!
It is exciting looking through my window onto the world. When I see things my Poodle nose wiggles from side to side. I love my window.
My humans said I must go to the vet this morning because there is some swelling where they cut me on my tummy. The Google says this is common when girl dogs are spayed and it's because they aren't rested enough after the procedure.
They haven't walked me for a week now and I am very restless.
My sister is the Alpha female and when she greets me in the morning we do the Poodle submission waltz and sometimes I make a wee but always I am happy to see her.
These two young huskies are keeping me focussed on everything other than the reason why I'm here with my humans.
I stayed for two days at Mia's house because there are fewer stairs at her house. But I am now back home. And my tall human is staying home with me. That is nice.
My Ouma collected me from the vet's at 4pm today. I was in pain and they gave me morphine which helps. There is a cut on my belly, skin missing from my back and they shaved my tail to find out why I have been licking it.
I do not feel like I normally do and hope this sore and weird will go away quickly.
This is me enjoying my morning weepoo walk on the beach. They are taking me to the vet but I don't know why.
Our picture yesterday went to Flickr but not to our blog, so this is a Poodletest.
We have brought you fluffy bone. And we are wagging our tails. And we shall stare intently at you. You must walk us now.
My humans re-appeared after their 14 day absence. And it is nice to have them back.
"I think I will jump out of the picture." said Zebepoodledee.
"I jump when I'm excited" she continued.
She is my big sister but I am looking over her head because she is small. That is funny, to a Poodle.
These pretty bandanas we are wearing are for the Sunflower fund's National Bandana Day.
The Sunflower fund helps people with bone marrow and blood cancers. As Poodles, we are not quite sure what all that means, except we love wearing our bandanas and if our humutts say it's for a good cause, we will believe them, because they feed us.
Babette and Mia
The wind that blows the sand up the beach when we walk down it, is back. The humans that fly on the water like this wind because it makes them go fast.
It just blows sand in our eyes.
We were cooped up all day like battery birds that make 'chicken necks' and when he eventually graced us with his presence we were soooo ready for our walk. Then there were dogs everywhere and we barked and we pulled and we barked and then I did go 'waawooo'. Then I beat up Mia and then he cancelled the walk. But then he gave us risotto.