I am a Spoo! My full name is Africaniche Demolition Man of Spacecadet but otherwise known as Dimitri.
On my birth certificate it says my sex is dog, which is funny. Because I am one! BOL!
My brothers, sisters and I were born 27 July 2011. When I was old enough I went to live in a loving home with lots and lots of canine brothers and sisters. My mom has a parlour and also shows little fluffy canines. She is very busy, so my human mom spoke to Babette’s humans and asked if they would enjoy giving me the same love and attention they gave her.
And now I have a new home, with new stuff and new smells and 2 dads. And I seem to have a new sister called Mia who looks similar to me but is smaller. And Mia has a human mom who is now my grandma. Humans have confusing family terminology!
I hope my new furiends and their humans don’t mind me joining Babette and Mia’s Internets world. I look forward to sharing some of my life with all of you.
Dimitri Poodle
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