Well, this is Mia (on the chair) and I, after the parlour today. The photo was taken this evening when my humans came to pick me up after they finished at gym. The lovely parlour people only put one ribbon in our hair - can you believe it? Must be something to do with what the humans refer to as 'recession'. Heck, I can type and use a computer but the concept of recession is beyond my Poodle brain :-)
We were dipped, combed, washed and dried and had our nails done. A real head to toe for us gals. In fact, so much so that the nice lady at the parlour suggested we come mid-week next time as we take so long.
Both of us are so happy to see everyone that the humans found it frustrating to take photos - we were moving around so much. Proof of Poodle happiness is evident in this photo where my tail is wagging so fast it's a blur!
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