Sunday, December 6, 2009

We love cuddly toys

This is me with my toys. I've seen how many toys some dogs do have and my collection is small by comparison, but I take good care of each and every one of my cuddly toys. they get taken outside from time to time and I always check to see where they all are after the cleaning ladies have been.

This is me with Minky - my favourite. You can also see Bokkie on the floor and in the toy box, Ant and Skaapie. They are also my favourites. Tigger and BoneBone are hidden from view. I don't really like that red plastic bone thing or the rubber tyre - the humans should get rid of them and replace them with cuddly toys!

Do my other doggy readers love their toys as much as Mia and I love ours?

Note the empty space to the right of my toy box. My couch normally goes there but I'll not say anything about that now... Hmmphhh.

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