Our human that lives in Bantry Bay was so disappointed that the walking human didn't take a photo of us 'pointing' at that cat the other day. So, although not quite the same, Mia has kindly agreed to demo Poodle Pointing on some test subjects that are readily available and relatively used to us. Bear in mind that as we are not able to life our front legs, the 'point' follows the direction of our nose and stare.
This is the Seated Point. This indicates interest and a desire to see something happen - whenever. Note the flying yellow thing is caged and thus, not providing much interest in the way of movement potential.
This is the Standing Point. This shows intense interest and a readiness to interact or chase before anyone knows what is going on. Note that the C.A.T is lying down (behind the flower pot and pretending to sleep) but is able to move freely in any direction, including up or down.
Mia, you are just exquisitely beautiful. Love your points. Your human deserves a lot of poodle kisses for taking these pictures.